The “Socio-Informatics Symposium 2025” on Friday, April 4, is a special one as it will be held in memorial of Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek, particularly of his achievements and lifelong research work in the field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media.

Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek was a pioneer in Socio-Informatics. Like hardly anyone else, he succeeded in bringing together technological innovation and societal demands. In his work, he had a great capability in aligning academic theory building with societally relevant practices. In his theoretical contributions he lined out the concepts of appropriation, appropriation support, and infrastructuring. He also founded the FabLab in Siegen, a design-oriented space for exploration at the intersection of university, industry, and civil society.

We also honour Prof Dr. Peter Brödner, a pioneer of the German socio-technical design discourse. In overcoming tayloristic principles of organization and strenthening the importance of qualified and semi-autonomous labour, his work made him a visonary of the Siegen School. Peter taught more than 20 years in a charimatic manner to the great excitement of our students.

All sessions of the conference will take place at the University of Siegen, Campus Unteres Schloss (US-C), Unteres Schloss 3, 57072 Siegen (Maps).

Friday, April 4th

09:30 – 10:00

Registration & Welcome

10:00 – 10:30 Invited Talk: Kari Kuutti, University of Oulu
Volkmar Pipek and the Quest of Making CSCW Useful for Design

10:30 – 14:30

Workshops & Discussions

Conceptual contributions: Appropriation, Infrastructuring
Input Statement: Gunnar Stevens & Peter Tolmie

Socio-Material Participation
Input Statement: Ina Wagner & Marios Mouratidis

Crisis Informatics
Input Statement: Thomas Ludwig & Christian Reuter

12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH
14:30 – 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 – 16:00 Speaking about Volkmar Pipek
16:15 – 17:00

Session to Honor Prof. Dr. Peter Brödner

Opening Remarks: Volker Wulf
Laudatio: Wolfgang Kötter, GITTA, Berlin
Closing Remarks: Peter Brödner